• Layout • Press • Promotions •

Event Advertising
From time to time individual Seasons communities would hold fetes / fun days / exhibitions, included above is an example of the type of artwork that would accompany these events.

Doing Good
Seasons support the food bank Christmas can appeal annually, as such Energize Design would donate artwork to support this cause. I was responsible for creating the above artworks, which were well received by Seasons and the Foodbank foundation alike.

Press Advertising
During my time with Energize, I was responsible for assisting the Creative Director, David Devey, with press advertising concept development, followed by the rollout execution across a variety of newspaper outlets.

Internal Publications
Live Well is an internal newsletter publication distributed to Seasons residents. Previously this content was presented in a rather pedestrian format and as such it was noted that it wasn’t having the impact that it potentially could. I was responsible for developing a magazine style layout for the seasonal publication. My approach placed great importance on including eye catching imagery to effectively bring the words on the page to life and engage readers. Content included in these magazines was put together by the Seasons copywriter and covered a variety of topics. A clear focus was placed on creating an enjoyable lifestyle and offered residents articles of interest to keep them up to date with the social goings on in each community.